Another lake, Another walk

Another lake, Another walk

Before I launch into walk photos, I want to acknowledge the fellow above who took it upon himself to guard the Zephyr during our absence. He was sunning himself when I tied up, and still there when we returned.

We dinghied to the other (non-Mike) end of Melanie Cove to walk a trail to a small unnamed lake about a mile from the water. The walk was uphill, the lake overlook offered an opportunity for a drink of water and a snack.

The trail was uphill all the way to the lake, but had far fewer downed trees to deal with.
I love how this guy has taken an octopus-like grip on the rock.
What is that at lakeside? A kayak? Surely not. Getting it to this lake would be a huge effort. Maybe a tarp?
Back to the Zephyr and our faithful guard snake.
2 thoughts on “Another lake, Another walk”
  1. Dear MAB and Steve!
    Thank you for including a snake! I just finished reading a Dorothy Sayers mystery (Lord Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane are now married and parents of three boys . . . and a pet snake, named Cuthbert, who is only a temporary dependent! It sounds like YOUR Cuthbert was indeed a FGS, but then you didn’t trust him with the keys, did you? Cheers!! Love, MEB

    1. Never, ever trust a snake with your keys. He’s likely to either swallow them or exchange them for a dozen mice.

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