...and sometimes other things

A Passel ‘o Tugs

Nordic Tugs started making boats in 1980 and have built over 900 since. The original model, the Nordic 26, was initially offered at the 1980 Seattle Boat Show for $29,900. They sold 33 before the show closed.

Jerry Husted (1928-2024), company founder, bragged that the three-cylinder, 36hp diesel was so efficient that the tug could run the 600 miles from Seattle to Ketchikan without stopping to refill its 50-gallon fuel tank.

My friend David has one of the early ones.

Fiona Bean was built in 2012 and is almost the last 26.

In the meantime, Nordic Tugs introduced the Nordic 32, 34, 37, 39, 40, 42, 44, 48, and 54. The gathering in Anacortes attracted 60 boats, ranging from early 26s to a just-built 44.

Kyle washed and polished Étude to like-new condition.
Our former Nordic 32, Impromptu, was there.
This is another Nordic 40, like Étude. This one has an upper control station called a Flying Bridge (Flybridge).
Meals and lectures on the floats.
Joanne and Jay, happy owners of a brand new Nordic 34.
Our friend Gerry, who organized the event.
Some lettering is fancier than others.
Friends Bill and Sharon from our days living in Anacortes.

Stay tuned for my next post when travel actually begins.

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