...and sometimes other things

Viner Sound

Let’s deal with the bear who is not in the room first. Our last visit to the Broughtons was later in the season after the salmonberries were mostly gone. We spotted bears at low tide turning over rocks looking for something to eat. On this visit, berry season is in full swing. Some suspect that the bears are hanging out in the forest stuffing themselves with berries and, perhaps, the occasional inattentive toy poodle.

Are we sad to miss the bears? Yeah. Did it ruin our trip? Not at all. We saw uncounted eagles and porpoises, a handful of orcas, and curious seals. Mostly, we saw magnificent scenery, often in complete silence. What’s not to like?

Here are photos taken during our cruise from Turnbull Cove to Viner Sound.

A last look at Roaring Rapids – at close to slack.
“Cupcake” islands.

This is Viner Sound. We were the only ones there; human or ursus.

Seen at the head of the sound. Who built this, and why?
This puts things into perspective. Can you spot Étude against the background of this immense ridge?
Enjoying the evening after dinner.
Foggy morning prior to departure.

We left early to catch the ebb tide for our return to Lagoon Cove.

Gwayasdums Village at Health Bay on Gilford Island. Note the tribal meeting hall.

Tomorrow we leave Lagoon Cove and transit the Johnstone Strait; the first “gate” on our homeward journey. By staying in the Strait longer, we will avoid Whirlpool and Green Point rapids but will encounter the tide rips in Race Passage instead.

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