...and sometimes other things

Turn Point

Stuart Island lies just north of San Juan Island. Another mile and you’re in Canada, eh?

We’ve visited Stuart Island – and this is a rough estimate – a million times. Every boater has. And why would you not? It’s on the way coming and going from popular places, has good protection in bad weather, and offers a 5.5 mile hike to Turn Point and back.

What’s Turn Point? It’s the Northwestern corner of the island where freighters bound for Vancouver change their heading from north to east. We like to do the walk whenever we visit, both for the exercise (900 feet elevation gain) and the view from the point.

This time we found something new. The lightstation was open and staffed by a volunteer couple from Louisville, KY who showed us around the various buildings. My favorite was the old Lightkeeper’s house, which has been restored to its 1950s look.

Looking down from the road to Turn Point to Prevost Harbor on the north side of Stuart Island. We stayed on the south side in Reid Harbor.
The lightstation stables.
The dining room in the Lightkeeper’s quarters. This was an isolated posting, so the Keeper and Assistant Keeper would have had their families with them.
The kitchen with all the latest innovations. Formica!
Ozzie and Harriet’s bedroom.
Creepy doll.
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