...and sometimes other things

Rebecca Spit

This area is known by three different names. Rebecca Spit encloses Drew Harbour, which is adjacent to the village and harbour of Heriot Bay. Take your pick.

We anchored here for two days after leaving the Octopus Islands. Both are on Quadra Island. The spit has an easy walking trail, picnic tables, and good spots for lounging or swimming. The village has an excellent grocery store and a coffee shop. We made use of both. Several times.

Looking along the inner curve of the spit.
The ferry to Cortez Island passes the outside of, the spit on its way to Heriot Bay.
Who needs a haul-out? Just wait for low tide and work fast.
Pacific Yellowfin offers week-long charter voyages. It’s one group at a time, a family for example. The guests can help plan the itinerary. .

There’s a creepy scene in The Curve of Time where the Blanchet family explores a small deserted island and finds an abandoned cabin. Capi reports sensing a malignant, unwelcoming presence that caused her to leave quickly. I’m of the opinion that this happened on one of the small islands at the northern entrance to Heriot Bay.

This has nothing to do with Rebecca Spit. I saw it today on Hornby Island and couldn’t resist a photo.

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