...and sometimes other things

A Tale of Two Bays

We left Sullivan Bay and headed north then east bound for Nimmo (”Nemo”) Bay. There are interesting things along Kenneth Passage if you’re paying attention. This time we missed seeing the petroglyphs and shell midden. It would be hard to miss the old homestead.

As you enter Nimmo Bay, you can turn to port and head for the larger bay, or turn to starboard and enter Little Nemo Bay.

Nimmo Bay is big, beautiful, ideal for bear-spotting, and empty. Little Nimmo Bay is also attractive, but is given over to a hyper-expensive “wilderness lodge” where the rich and famous come to have “experiences”. Four nights? $11,000 per person. And that doesn’t include the good liquor or many of the “experiences”.

Interested? Check out Nimmo Bay Resort.

Nimmo Bay
Sea Buggy, owned by friends Ann and Peter Buggy
Little Nimmo Bay, home to Nimmo Bay Resort

We spent two days poking around the bay, looking for and failing to see bears. We did find a nice hiking trail and some genuine bear poo.

Bear poo

We usually weigh anchor in the morning, but had to wait for high tide at 3:00 to leave Nimmo. We spent the calm, warm morning doing water sports. Also took a look at the Resort’s floating sauma.

Mary Anne sets off on her paddleboard
…and becomes a tiny speck on the far shore
Peter and Ann return from a lengthy tour of the bay
They kindly loaned a kayak to me so I could join Mary Anne in her explorations
The floating sauna, swim platform, and sun deck

BONUS: As we were leaving Nimmo, I spotted something that I’d read about in Billy Proctor’s books, but had never seen.

In the old days before steam or gas powered “donkeys” used a steel cable to pull felled logs from mountain to sea, the logger (often a single man working an allotment solo) would clear a path from the area to be logged to the water. He would fell the trees, planning carefully the order of cutting and direction of fall, so they would slide down the steep slope and into the water. It didn’t always go perfectly, but it usually went pretty well for an experienced logger.

This photo shows an old logging area and a few logs staged at the top of the slide.

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