Cycling in Bavaria

Cycling in Bavaria

Did I mention that we are in Vogelsburg on the banks of the Main River because we want to do a bit of cycling? Yes, I did. All that’s been missing is the sun. On a serious cycle tour, you ride rain or shine, wind or calm, hot or cold. But our current plan is not serious, just pleasure. No sun, no ride.

Today was perfect. The fog off the river disappeared by 10:00 and we were away in warm sunshine for 40 kilometers of mostly flat riding.

Starting at Vogelsburg, we made a loop tour of all the villages along this part of the Main. If you have Google Maps or equivalent, follow along; Escherndorf, Kōhler, Neuses am Berg, Schwarzenau, Schwarzach am Main, Sommerach, Nordheim, Volkach, Astheim, Vogelsburg.

I could have taken a million “cute village” photos, but did not. Here are a few that caught my eye and seemed worth the trouble of getting my phone out of my rucksack.

First, Escherndorf with Vogelsburg on the hill in the background.


Now a really old hut next to a Lutheran church in Neuses am Berg. img_1209-7794313img_1210-4673654

We hoped to have morning coffee in Schwarzenau and thought we were in luck when we came across a motor camp along the river. Alas, we could not find a living soul anywhere and had to move on. But not before seeing this amusing exhibit of a tiny caravan and Fiat 500. img_1211-1122254Moving on to Schwarzach am Main, we finally had our coffee.img_1212-1939355



Entering Sommerach through one of the old city gates, we found a good spot for lunch


Riding on towards Nordheim…


Nordheim seems to consist mostly of wineries. It is directly below Vogelsburg, so offered a good view of our climb to come.


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