A Study in Contrasts – Part 1

A Study in Contrasts – Part 1https://ghost.convoglio.com/content/images/2024/03/IMG_7307.JPG

What a difference a sunny day can make. I could never see the point of this place until now.

The town existed before the bridge arrived, but not much was going on. All the English fakery was designed to tweak the curiosity of holiday-minded folks who will probably never see the real England.

It’s not Miami Beach, but on a fine day, you can see why folks might like to spend a few days or weeks enjoying the parks, beaches, and water activities. The calendar seems filled with concerts and events like the hot rod show.

The wind was blowing around 20 knots, perfect for this guy to head out the channel into Lake Havasu.
We are looking across the channel to the Island at the far end of the London Bridge. It’s larger than I remembered and offers parks, shops, restaurants, and long stretches of enticing beaches.
Looking back at the “village” area. Boat rentals and boat excursions of all types are available.

At the risk of giving my Chef friend Miriam a heart attack, I call your attention to the “Trust Me” burger.


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